I hope that you had a great summer! To give the welcome to the autumn here is the update 1.1 of Hades, that fit well with the incoming station.
This update add to Hades control by Alchemy Performance Controls and Pads on all the patches.
With the performance controls you can set the tune of each oscillator, cut-off and resonance of the filters, delay and reverb parameters as time, feedback and mix. Or arpeggiator parameters like
swing, sustain, octave. Also the envelope controls are assigned, now you can set the envelope on all patches using only four knobs.
Finally I added control by the Pads, this allows you to morph the sounds of the oscillators and make fancy transitions in your music using the left Pad. And the right Pad allows to control things
like Pan, LFO, effects mix, grain size and grain density.
Now this update allows to easily adapt the sounds to your songs adding your own style just touching a few controls.
As always this update is FREE!
All the best,